Thursday, October 20, 2011


Noun: Unity or agreement of feeling or action, esp. among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group.

To stand with your brothers and sisters because you know their cause is just, and their struggle necessary, no matter how far away they are. OccupyPoughkeepsie stands in solidarity with OccupyWallSt to extend the family. Make no mistake, this is a family... people of like mind and heart who believe that amidst corruption, greed and deception, the 99% can come together and make a difference. We are coming together in a unified effort to usher in a new era in which the citizens of the United States have a voice louder than that of special interests. In which corporations do not force laws that help them while the people suffer. In which our lives are not dictated by the wealthy and powerful, but rather exist in harmony with the equal people around us. Many have asked why we embrace this struggle. Because we must. We have sat idly by for too long as things have gone far out of control. We are the underpaid worker who watches their hours dwindle and pay remain stagnant as the price of gas and essential goods soars. We are the unemployed parent gathered with so many others to apply for just one opening, one chance to feed their family. We are the disillusioned student graduating college to find a barren wasteland where once were opportunities, and an insurmountable debt weighing on their mind. We are the soldier, coming home from war to find not rest and peace, but more struggle. We are you. We are all the 99%. If you're here, it's because you're curious. If you're curious, it's because you understand something terrible has happened to this nation and want to find a way to change it.
OccupyPoughkeepsie is located at Hulme Park in the City of Poughkeepsie at the corner of Church St (Rt.55) and Market St. Please join us in the occupation, or just stop by for a while and show support. Bring friends, bring food or water, above all BRING YOUR VOICE.

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