Monday, November 28, 2011

A new direction

I haven't done anything with this blog in a while, and I felt it had become redundant in the meantime, as OccupyPoughkeepsie has created it's own page ( and this blog hasn't had much traffic. So I'm changing direction yet again. I'd like to pose a question to everyone involved in the Occupy movement; where do we go from here?
Every day brings fresh news of police violence, evictions, or some public response to the occupation. As you read this, a bill is being reviewed in the Senate (S.1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill) that could give the US military the ability to act on US soil to arrest and detain Americans without trial. The Occupation has done more in two months than movements before have accomplished in years; it has changed the conversation in America. 
People never before interested in politics are become aware of the trouble our nation is in. 
But we need more. 
We need to take the next step.
What I ask of you is simple. 
What, in your opinion, is the next step?
Email me at and share your idea. Provided it's legible, understandable, and not burdened with excessive profanity (hey, some is fine, but be reasonable) I'll post it here along with whatever contact info you're comfortable with me posting. It can be a huge idea (my own is about the size of a town) or an idea on a direct action that would be helpful. Maybe together we can build the community we hope to see Occupy become. It doesn't matter if you formally occupy, support and spend time at your local Occupy (as I do), or just want to do  your part to help. This is a place where all voices can be heard, and constructive criticism can mold simple ideas into plans of action.
Email me your name, whatever info you feel we need to have, and your idea... and let's start the change we want to see.
The only thing that will lead to censorship is what would get you censored everywhere else: abusive or defamatory language, spamming, attacking others ideas, things that fall under the category of trolling. I am very lenient in this regard, I just ask that you respect others. 

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